This 2020, we will be running monthly horoscopes by our resident astrologer Sarah May Low, a tarot and i-Ching Oracle practitioner, and the CEO of Sarah May Low Tarot Academy. Sarah was mentored by one of New Zealand's top astrologers and frequently travels around Asia to read for clients. With a background in various forms of divination and healing — including chakra healing, Chinese feng shui, palmistry and tea leaf reading — Sarah will guide you ladies on how to live your best life this 2020.
Clozette's resident astrologist Sarah Low
"What is yours will not pass you." - Anonymous.
God doesn’t give you the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you the person you were meant to be.
I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason and that all people come to our lives to teach us lessons — love, pain, patience, kindness, betrayal, loss, happiness, etc. Some continue with us on our journey and some we say goodbye when their chapter ends. In an ideal world, nobody suffers heartbreaks, we all can love whoever we want to love, and we are loved how we deserve to be loved. Sometimes it’s not about moving on, especially when we don’t get the closure we need, but we just learn to gain acceptance.
The great news for November is that Mercury Retrograde has ended and Mars retrograde also ends on Saturday, 14 November. Time to start planning a new project and start negotiations both in your career and personal life. Time to take action!
The last of the three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions will happen on 12 November in the sign of Capricorn. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is a major alignment that occurs every 13 years and this transit lets you concentrate and excel in what you do most. A mixture of intense commitment and good luck gives you the ability to make a major difference. It is important to understand what you want during this period in life as the outcome of this transit depends on how clear your objectives are such as company growth, wealth, travel, job promotion or a better career.
Challenges are coming. But you with the right mindset, you'll be able to emerge from it victorious. (Photo from: Verne Ho via Unsplash)
Spiritual self-development will also be vital during this period. This is because you may be clouded with shallow goals involving power and success which can make you act out of ego instead of necessity. Your motive when it comes to your future planning should not be egoism, envy, jealousy or retribution. Rather, without hurting anyone, you should want to change your life. You will be praised for your kindness and ability to be liked by friends. You will face powerful forces working against you if you act ruthlessly, self-righteously or obsessively. Use this obsessiveness to laser focus on the tasks ahead instead of holding on to things that don’t serve you.
The Full Moon penumbral lunar eclipse will occur on 30 November in the sign of Gemini. This causes erratic behaviour, inability to make decisions, anxiety, and overthinking. But instead, try and harness the positive energies of the Gemini sign by immersing yourself in research, owning your identity, speaking your truth, and also picking up new skills as Geminis are known to be fast learners. For a more specific view of what's in store for you, read below.
Aries ♈
March 21 - April 19
Stay grounded regardless of all the calls upon your attention. Your past knowledge and experience support you, but being rooted in the here-and-now brings new opportunities into focus — and you have the drive and willpower to make the most of them.
Taurus ♉
April 20 - May 20
Relationships are the centre of your life just now and you take a heart-centred approach beyond personal partnerships, showing kindness to those who do not love themselves enough. Additional meanings include luck and well-being.
Gemini ♊
May 21- June 20
You may need to deal with intense emotions such as anger, guilt, or jealousy; these emotions maybe yours or expressed by someone close to you. Step back from the maelstrom and you will see what to do and what not to do. With new insight, a situation or relationship can be restored or rescued.
Cancer ♋
June 21 - July 22
There are blocks to your progress, an energetic block that has a physical impact, such as low energy, low mood, and poor motivation; a creative block, when projects and ideas feel stuck; or feeling generally disconnected from spiritual or inner guidance. You may need to release yourself from the pressure to perform or to be a certain way to get back to the flow.
Harness positive energy and let go of the things that do no good in your life. (Photo from: Hello I’m Nik via Unsplash)
Leo ♌
July 23 - August 22
With every ending comes a new beginning. You may be holding on to powerful or negative feelings that need to be released. A situation has ended, and you are searching for stability during this transition period; this will come as you allow the emotions to arise and, when you are ready, let them go.
Virgo ♍
August 23 - September 22
Peace is coming. Trust in the universe, surrender, and see where things lead. You are attracting love at a higher level, calling in a soul mate, and generating more self-love, unconditional love, and compassion for others. If you have been suffering from stress, serenity will return.
Libra ♎
September 23 - October 22
Your expectations are shifting. Someone is not as they seem, so be discerning because what you are told may be exaggerated or false. Protect yourself from other people’s negative energies. This month may also bring news and creative skills that bring success. Expect great changes.
Scorpio ♏
October 23 - November 21
This month will bring insights into dreams and reaffirm your spiritual connection. You may be recalling someone from the past and questioning your relationship with them, seeing this person in a new light; if so, it is time to express your thoughts. Once you uncover the truth, you will find support in areas of the intellect and you will be guided to stand up for what you believe in.

Before anyone else, you are your own support system. (Photo from: Guilherme Stecanella via Unsplash)
Sagittarius ♐
November 22 - December 21
Stress, anxiety, and the need for healing is apparent for you this month. There may be a need to break negative thought patterns and position yourself so you do not become embroiled in old drama. You find a place of calm within. You may also discover or further develop your spiritual connection.
Capricorn ♑
December 22 - January 19
Trouble is averted; you have managed a challenging person or situation and discovered not only who your friends are but also your knack for an inventive solution. Partnerships and creative projects thrive, and you may sense deep, subconscious guidance.
Aquarius ♒
January 20 - February 18
This month brings harmony, new friends, openness, and flexibility. It is linked with sensitivity, intuition, and dreams, and it can show issues beneath the surface that you are ready to deal with; an old situation may be transformed. A new idea or plan may also be emerging.
Pisces ♓
February 19 - March 20
You may be dealing with grief, frustration, and fear. You may feel you have little or no control over events and feel vulnerable and highly sensitive. The message for you in November, however, is that you are protected and can recover a sense of security. Let the Universe bestow you with protection.
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