This 2020, we will be running monthly horoscopes by our resident astrologer Sarah May Low, a tarot and i-Ching Oracle practitioner, and the CEO of Sarah May Low Tarot Academy. Sarah was mentored by one of New Zealand's top astrologers and frequently travels around Asia to read for clients. With a background in various forms of divination and healing — including chakra healing, Chinese feng shui, palmistry and tea leaf reading — Sarah will guide you ladies on how to live your best life this 2020.
Clozette's resident astrologist Sarah Low
Is Mercury Retrograde turning your life topsy-turvy? Well, it's finally ending on 9 March, so hang in there! This astrological phenomenon is said to be like the Murphy Law — what can go wrong will go wrong. But looking at it from a positive perspective, it also teaches us to learn about planning in advance and developing backups for every situation. Mercury Retrograde or not, remember that the only constant thing in life is change and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You can power through.
Moving on to our guiding planets and stars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto rule in March 2020 so Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) should expect splendid and optimistic energies. Scroll on to find out more about what's in store this coming month with predictions dedicated to your star sign.

Are you ready for some major changes?
Aries ♈
Fast movement, travelling, and external forces beyond one's control are the theme for you in March. Though Aries people are known for constantly being in motion and loving the fast pace of life, this month, it may seem too much for you to handle. Patience is key. Weather out unfavourable conditions for this month.
Taurus ♉
Abundance and creativity are in the stars for you this month. You will be starting a new creative venture or may get the urge to showcase your artistic talents at work. You will also feel extra motherly and nurturing towards the people around you, wanting to take care of everyone’s needs.
Gemini ♊
There could be someone around you that is not completely truthful and — plot twist — this person can also be yourself. You may feel compelled to tell a white lie or stretch the truth to get something you want — like a promotion or to win a business contract. But remember, dishonesty is still dishonesty regardless of the context.
Cancer ♋
Cancers are prone to be moody and emotionally sensitive at times. There will be some tempers flaring this month but don’t impulsively jump to a conclusion as humans tend to make bad decisions when they are angry. Calm down first and look at the situation from a practical and logical perspective.
Leo ♌
There are a few things that you want to execute or achieve this month. Don’t be bummed if there’s a slight delay as your visions are coming into fruition very soon. All the best things in life will take a longer time to build, create, and manifest. This includes career, opportunities, wealth and love.
Change, whether good or bad, is something that can be managed with level-headedness, planning, and a whole lot of patience.
Virgo ♍
Money and stability are in store for you this month. There is a promotion, increment, new job offer and business opportunity for you this March. In your personal life, the forecast shows that you will find yourself feeling established and financially secure or maybe even wanting to start a stable family life with a romantic partner.
Libra ♎
Your hard work in both your career and love life will be paid off this month. You will see rewards and acknowledgement for your efforts and achievements. But remember to also stay grounded and not have your head up in the air.
Scorpio ♏
All communication is in perfect harmony for you this month. You will meet likeminded individuals and will find that people around you will be on the same page as you. There will be lots of interesting conversations and sharing of ideas.
Do you like what the stars have in store for you this month?
Sagittarius ♐
You have been going through some disappointments in certain areas of your life right now. But learn to control your thoughts as it might lead to mental stress and maybe even cause anxiety and depression. Learn and practice yoga or meditation to calm down the nervous energies inside of you.
Capricorn ♑
Forever the business-minded and hardworking person, you will see wishes coming true in the next few weeks. The stars are aligned and the universe will reward you with overflowing happiness.
Aquarius ♒
Aquarians are known for being night owls as their minds come up with all the craziest ideas and conspiracy theories as the night goes deeper. Thinking makes one intelligent but the downfall of many intelligent people is overthinking. You tend to self-impose certain restrictions onto yourself but it's all on your mind. Learn to relax and ask for help from those around you to complete a task.
Pisces ♓
Something is coming to an end for you this month — a working partnership, rental contract or maybe even a romantic relationship. All good things do come to an end but when one door closes, always know that a new door will open for you very soon.
Follow Sarah Low on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Alternately, you may book a tarot reading session here.
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