If you're a mum, you'd know that 24 hours is just not enough for you to get everything you need done. It takes time and a ridiculous amount of energy to juggle your responsibilities at home and at work. When you're new to motherhood, it's especially daunting. Despite the difficulties, you won't have life any other way, right? Working towards all your goals all while caring for your kid(s) just makes it more fulfilling. But to power through your day, you'd still need a bit of help to make your tasks a wee bit manageable for you. So ahead, we list down five essentials for mothers that can help you through your day.
A planning kit
(Left) Collins Debden Nova, SGD21.90/~USD15.72 (Photo from: sg.collinsdebden.com) (Right) Pilot Acroball, SGD1.80/~USD1.29 each
You might find yourself so preoccupied and overwhelmed that you end up missing some of your errands when you have a lot of them at hand. To minimise such incidents, it helps to list down everything you need to do for the day in a planner or a notebook such as the Collins Debden's Nova. Note down your plans for the day. Block out the date for your check-up appointments with the pedia, schedule your meetings, and so on. Allocate times for each specific task. Make tracking down your duties even easier by opting to use coloured pens so you know at a glance which needs to be done. Check out the Pilot Acroball from their eco-friendly BeGreen series. From their eight vibrant inks, choose one colour for work-related jobs, another for home-related ones, and more.
When you end your day, you can also make use of your planner to briefly jot down your thoughts and feelings on how your day went by. Did your child take her first steps today? Memorialise how that felt on paper. More than that, journaling can be a great stress-relief activity too for days when it feels more challenging than usual.
A tote to carry all
TOD'S Raffia Shopping Bag, price unavailable
Whether you're off to your office, out on your grocery run, or enjoying your dose of Vitamin D with your kid in a sunny afternoon, make sure to pack essentials mothers need in a decent-sized bag. Functionality always comes first for young mums, but thankfully, you need not sacrifice your style with the TOD'S Raffia shopping bag. It's quite roomy, giving you all the space you need to store your sanitisers, your children's necessities, and more, and it's also quite chic with its black and beige weaves.
Your multi-tasking companion
Samsung Galaxy S20 Series, starts at SGD1,298/~USD932 (Photo from: samsungmobilepress.com)
Speaking of daily essentials for mothers, supermums like you need an equally high-powered gadget to serve your varying needs — your phone! It stores your contacts for emergencies, lets you check out work emails, helps you do your online shopping, and it even keeps your kiddos entertained while you check-in on your virtual meeting. Surely, you own one now that lets you do everything, but if you're looking to upgrade, try out one from the Samsung Galaxy S20 Series. More than being powerful, their batteries are smart too, automatically adjusting to your habits to optimise power so you can last through the whole day in just a single charge. Not to mention, with its high-resolution camera and anti-rolling stabiliser, you can capture your most special moments in the best and clearest quality possible.
Pampering holy grails for your me-time
Kiehl's Vital Skin-Strengthening Super Serum, SGD79/~USD56.82 for 30ml
As a working mum, you're probably giving everything you've got to your family and career. It's totally admirable, but as you devote your time and energy to others, don't forget to care for yourself too. Pamper yourself, starting with your skin. You might not notice it, but facing the blue light of your screens as your work can be potentially damaging as it worsens pigmentation. Not to mention, putting on protective face masks — a necessity nowadays when stepping out for every little activity — also irritates the skin. So stay radiant with Kiehl's Vital Skin-Strengthening Super Serum. Fighting the environmental stressors that weaken your skin, this all-around skincare revitalises your cells so you can face your day with glowing resilience.
Superfoods that nourish
AwaRua Organics Mum2Be by Optimo Foods, SGD42/~USD30.16 (Photo from: lazada.sg)
Don't stop at just caring for your skin — be mindful of your overall health too. Ensure that your body is well-nourished too by always eating a well-balanced diet. Make sure to include fresh greens to give you the minerals you need. As much as you can, opt for organic. Every day, make sure to drink a glass of milk that can supplement your and your family's diet like the Optimo Foods' AwaRua Organics Mum2Be Milk Powder. Produced from milk from grass-fed cows of New Zealand's green pastures, this creamy smooth milk is rich in calcium for strong bones. You'll be sure to have the energy to power through the day — from work till playtime with your kids.
Next, here's what three generations of mums think about motherhood.
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