Good food brings good mood — except for when you’ve had way too much. Bloating or feeling like your belly is swollen or "stuffed" after enjoying too much of your faves can be quite uncomfortable. The good thing is there are quick ways to avoid and address this. Here's how to beat it with the help of Kinohimitsu Detox Enzyme and D'tox Plum Juice and more.
Chew, chew, and chew some more
You've probably heard your mum say this a lot when you were younger, but it begs to be repeated even now. Chewing your food slowly and better can not only help avoid bloating but also makes you eat slower, which then results in less food intake because you actually get full faster. Additional tip: chew with your mouth closed — and avoid talking while eating because this makes you swallow air.
Skip the soda
Remove food that can give you more gas from your diet. That includes your sodas and other carbonated drinks. It also includes high-fibre foods such as beans and some whole grains.
Aid it with high fibre drinks
Say bye to bloat fast with the help of Kinohimitsu Detox Enzyme and D'Tox Plum Juice. The Detox Enzyme has a combination of 75 fruits and vegetables fermented for 365 days to produce enzymes that help food digestion. This not only helps you to regulate the movement in your tummy but also maintain a healthier weight, get optimal nutrition and even healthier skin. Just take one to two sachets for six consecutive days for an intensive cleanse. Then, maintain your happy tummy by taking one to three sachets per week or as needed.

Meanwhile, the D'Tox Plum Juice is made with 100 per cent natural juice — no additives, no harmful ingredients — that helps relieve bloating — in just two to four hours. Aside from shooing bloating away, it also helps to boost your tummy's immunity. Do a detox for six consecutive days or take it as needed.
Banana beats bloating
Yes, it's true! Banana is rich in potassium, which can help reduce bloating. Aside from that, it has a multitude of health benefits too, including maintaining your blood pressure. Add it to your bowl of oatmeal, which is rich in fibre that helps aid digestion, for more tummy-loving benefits.

Ditch the dessert... sometimes
We have this inclination to indulge in sweets after a hearty meal. Desserts, or anything that has a lot of sugar and sweetener, can cause bloating and gas. They're not entirely bad, though! You can still get your sweet tooth fix, but make sure it's in moderation. Skip processed sugar and go for sweet fruits instead — many of them are packed with fibre. If you don't do desserts, here's a word of caution: this applies to salts too.
We say enjoy — but in moderation. Eat merrily, but think of your tummy.
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